I have used something similar in my dell latitude (no hacks required, just adapter + psu). I have seen some mPCI-e to PCI-E adapters using HDMI cables instead (AFAIR 2 of them) – that would make it more movable. You have ziff ribbon connector which is kinda fragile and not so easy to connect. Posted in computer hacks, laptops hacks, Video Hacks Tagged eGPU, EXP GDC Beast V6, external graphics card Post navigation ran some benchmarks and upgrading from the stock onboard GTX870m to an external GTX 780ti resulted in over three times the frame rate capability - 40fps stock, 130fps upgraded! You’re also going to need an external power supply. He’s using an EXP GDC Beast V6 which uses a mini PCIE cable that can be connected directly to the laptop motherboard. But after that’s done you’ll also need a way to mount your graphics card outside of the laptop. You’ll have to modify the BIOS first, which according to, isn’t that bad. Now unfortunately this really isn’t quite a simple as running some PCIE extender cables - nope.

Well, wasn’t satisfied with the performance of his Razer Blade GTX870m laptop, so he decided to hack it and give it its own external graphics card. But laptops are pretty powerful these days, and in our experience, a lot of engineering companies have actually swapped over to them for resource hungry 3D CAD applications - But what if you still need a bit more power? It used to be that desktop computers reigned king in the world of powerful computing, and to some extent, they still do.